Lectures in United States (11/2019)
Oberlin Conservatory of Music
Cantonese Opera: Musical Systems & Notation
These lectures focus on the instrumentation of Cantonese operatic singing with melodic instruments and percussion group, as well as the aural approaches of accompaniment. The Gongche notation (工尺谱) used in Cantonese opera is introduced. Further, two musical systems, namely, fixed tunes and aria types were introduced with the knowledge of the 9 tones of Cantonese. Understanding the pitches of Cantonese as a tonal language will enhance understanding how singers have to match the linguistic tones with the melodic tones when singing Cantonese opera.
香港粤剧的传承模式倡议:从师徒制和社区训练到学院制 (31/01/2019)
Lectures in United States (9-11/2018)
University of Washington
Cantonese Opera: Musical Systems & Notation
These lectures focus on the instrumentation of Cantonese operatic singing with melodic instruments and percussion group, as well as the aural approaches of accompaniment. The Gongche notation (工尺谱) used in Cantonese opera is introduced. Further, two musical systems, namely, fixed tunes and aria types were introduced with the knowledge of the 9 tones of Cantonese. Understanding the pitches of Cantonese as a tonal language will enhance understanding how singers have to match the linguistic tones with the melodic tones when singing Cantonese opera.
University of Washington
Cantonese Opera: Performance Practices
These lectures introduced the 4 skills of Cantonese opera, namely, singing, reciting, acting and movements, and fighting. The concept of “formulation” in Cantonese opera performance was introduced which relies on memorizing some existing “sceneries” (排场) with fixed roles, singing and speeches, and movement. Learning sufficient number of sceneries may be transferred to other stories and plays with similar sceneries, which is the traditional approach of transmission. Furthermore, a study of investigation of transmission in the academy in mainland China was reported.
University of Washington
Cantonese Opera: Social and historical development and context
The traditional performance context of Cantonese opera in the 19th century, i.e., ritual performance in bamboo-tin-sheet theatre is introduced. The interaction between the performers and audience was explained. A brief history of Cantonese opera in Hong Kong was presented highlighting the quasi-family relationship between masters and apprentices, and traditional beliefs and taboo. The genre has been evolving after the WWII by the impact of other entertainment including pop songs and movies. The Cantonese opera started to be modernized since the 1950s. Finally, the lecture concludes with challenges for sustainability and implications.
University of Washington and University of New York
Cantonese operatic singing in Hong Kong Community
This presentation introduces the characteristics and nature of Cantonese opera with a report of a case study at a music club of Cantonese operatic singing in Hong Kong. Musical systems were introduced before a detailed introduction of the weekly practice of the singing club. Characteristics of the practice of a singing club was introduced, including the late supper culture after singing, transmission model (learning by observation, repeated listening and proactive questioning), taboo and culture (including mutual respect, positive comments, de-emphasized “teaching”, and highly respect of experienced and famous artists).
南华早报访谈 (23/02/2018)
Prof. Leung Bo Wah headed the “Collaborative Project on Teaching Cantonese Opera in Primary and Secondary Schools”, which spanned four years from 2009. The project earned him the prestigious Musical Rights Award from the International Music Council of Unesco in 2011.
In his study, Leung recommended that the Education Bureau should encourage primary and secondary schools to offer Cantonese opera as an extracurricular activity so pupils could encounter the art form from an early age, in view of the shortage of competent and suitable applicants for bachelor degree programmes in institutions such as the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. “No one can start learning the genre at 17 or 18 years old – it is too old. They have to start at around 10 to 11,” he says.
英国广播公司新闻网访谈 (14/11/2015)
Prof. Leung Bo Wah headed the “Collaborative Project on Teaching Cantonese Opera in Primary and Secondary Schools”, which spanned four years from 2009. The project earned him the prestigious Musical Rights Award from the International Music Council of Unesco in 2011.
In his study, Leung recommended that the Education Bureau should encourage primary and secondary schools to offer Cantonese opera as an extracurricular activity so pupils could encounter the art form from an early age, in view of the shortage of competent and suitable applicants for bachelor degree programmes in institutions such as the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. “No one can start learning the genre at 17 or 18 years old – it is too old. They have to start at around 10 to 11,” he says.
信报-回顾香港中小学粤剧教学 (03/04/2015)
信报-从学院训练到粤剧承传 (29/08/2014)