Application of Modern Technology in Transmission of Cantonese Opera in Hong Kong
Period: | July 2022 – June 2024 |
Principal Invistigator: | Professor Leung Bo Wah |
As a local traditional art form in Hong Kong, Cantonese opera has been enlisted in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, reflecting a critical and unique position representing Chinese and Guangdong culture. In recent years, transmission of Cantonese opera has been valued by various stakeholders since it may influence the sustainability of the genre. This project aims to enhance transmission of Cantonese opera with the adoption of modern technology in school and community settings. Two individual research projects will be implemented. First, we will evaluate a newly developed tablet application for accompanying Cantonese operatic singing with a multi-case study. Five school music teachers will be invited to trial on the application by involving their students to use it in learning accompaniment in classroom settings. Observation and interviews will be used to evaluate how the students learn. Second, the research team will validate and evaluate a newly develop Cantonese Opera Body Movement (COBM) gamified software for community learning environment and to investigate if learners may benefit from the software in a three-month trial. A COBM software has been newly developed, and six learners will be invited to practice 30
movements with the software, while two veterans of Cantonese opera will be invited to assess the same set of movements. An inter-judge reliability test will be used to test the reliability of the software. Afterwards, a total of 60 learners will be invited and categorized into control and experimental group for a quasi-experimental design. Pre-and post-tests will be implemented to seek if there are any possible changes after the treatment in both groups, and if there are any significant differences between and within groups. In addition, students’ learning motivation before and after the treatment will
also be measured.
Teaching Cantonese Opera in Schools: In-depth Case Studies in Hong Kong
Period: | September 2022 – December 2023 |
Principal Invistigator: | Prof. Leung, Bo Wah |
Cantonese opera is recognized as one of the most representative inter-disciplinary arts in Hong Kong and has been included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List of Humanity. The transmission of Cantonese opera in education has been facing different challenges, including but not limited to audience building, audience education, teacher training and development and limited teaching and learning resources in this genre. Although Education Bureau has organized various workshops and courses regarding the training on teaching this genre, many music teachers may not be confident nor competent regarding teaching the genre and thus may influence the teaching practices and effectiveness.
This study aims to understand how in-service music teachers who have received relevant training in Cantonese opera in dealing with teaching the genre, in the forms of class observations and in-depth interviews. The research team will observe the classes over the semester in each participating school and interview teachers for their feedback and reflection in terms of teaching and learning of the genre, which might provide insights for the future development in teaching the genre in primary and secondary schools. This study will provide insights of what problems Hong Kong music teachers would encounter when they teach Cantonese opera in music lessons, and how they would deal with the problems. In addition, good practices may be dug out for other teachers’ reference.
Survey of Audiences’ View on Cantonese Opera Performances in Hong Kong
Period: | January – December 2022 |
Principal Invistigator: | Prof. Leung, Bo Wah |
Cantonese opera is very popular in Hong Kong and has been included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List of Humanity. For a long time, many international marketing scholars have conducted market surveys on the audience's motivation for participating in performing arts. However, there are few studies on the views of Hong Kong audiences on attending Cantonese opera performances. Understanding the audience’s motivation for watching performances will greatly increase the attendance of Cantonese opera performances, thereby helping to inherit the tradition of Cantonese opera.
This research aims to investigate the motivations and incentives of Hong Kong audiences in attending Cantonese opera performances so as to improve the performance level and professional ethics of the industry in the short term, and promote the development of Cantonese opera.
The research team will collect Hong Kong audiences’ opinions on Cantonese opera in the form of an online questionnaire. The data includes the gender, age, educational background, work status and monthly family income of the interviewee, as well as factors affecting audience attendance, including the availability of performance venues. Data such as personal factors, accessibility, repertoire content, performer factors, performance nature and perceived cost. The research team will apply statistical methods such as correlation analysis, regression analysis and multivariate analysis of variance to infer and interpret the possible relationships among various factors, providing insights for decision-makers and producers who promote the development of Cantonese opera, comprehensively expanding the audience, enhancing the artistic level, and benefiting Cantonese opera can reach both elegance and common appreciation.
「粤剧生行身段电脑评估系统」旨在通过记录 3D 生行身段动作,将各个动作以元宇宙模拟的方式重新呈现,同时藉游戏化软件评估系统,让用家通过模仿学习及练习粤剧身段动作,并获得即时回馈,以提升其锻练兴趣。系统更设有多种模式,将各个动作划分成不同的难度,以符合不同程度用家的需要。系统内收录的各个生行身段动作均由本地粤剧大师阮兆辉先生及新晋演员吴立熙先生亲身示范。他们分别穿上设有十九个感应器的动作撷取设备,配合光学动作捕捉软件,精确地把每个关节动作记录,并以数码 3D 模拟方式重新展现于系统,再配合不同动作节奏的锣鼓音乐。研究人员现正把专业粤剧演员的动作评分与系统内建的评分数据作比较及调整,以提高其准确性。
「粤曲拍和」iPad 应用程式由本中心开发,教大 「创新与科技基金」资助,并获知识产权署颁发香港专利。本程式旨在把传统的粤剧音乐与现代科技结合,以及为大中小学建立一个粤剧音乐的教学平台。用家可通过此程式把平板电脑变成粤曲拍和中常用的乐器,感受崭新的演奏和学习体验。早前本中心曾举行发布会,向公众介绍有关本应用程式的特点,同时邀请中小学教师分享使用感受和心得。
计划推行时间: | 2020 – 2022 |
首席研究员: | 梁宝华教授 |
共同研究员: | 王朝霞博士(华南师范大学音乐学院副教授) |
作为一种揉合了不同中国文化特色的表演艺术,粤剧非常适合作为促进建立中国文化认同的媒介,因此,本研究的目的为:一) 调查香港和广东省地区学校的粤剧教学现况,二) 研究香港和广东省地区教师的音乐喜好和教师培训等如何发展及增添课堂上粤剧教学元素;三) 探讨粤剧教育怎样帮助学生建立其中国文化身份认同。
计划推行时间: | 2016/7 - 2019/6 |
首席研究员: | 梁宝华教授 |
共同研究员: | 谭祥安博士,松信浩二博士,莫慕贞教授 |
此研究共分为四个子计划: 计划一的目的为探讨虚拟实境(Virtual Reality)对推动中学生欣赏粤剧的作用 。计划二的目的为验证电脑化自动评估与学习系统 (CKCALS) 对训练粤剧身段的效果和发展可行性。计划三的的目的为研究目前学校对粤曲演唱的教学方法,从而探讨新的教学方法在未来的发展和成效。计划四的目的为研究目前学校对粤曲拍和的教学方法,从而探讨其在未来的新发展和可行性。
计划推行时间: | 2015/1 - 2017/6 |
首席研究员: | 梁宝华教授 |
共同研究员: | 余少华教授 |
- 二十世纪杰出粤剧演员所展现出的创意;
- 演员与学生对粤剧创新概念等观点上的转变;
- 专业人士和观众如何对艺术创意重新评价。
计划推行时间: | 2012/10 - 2013/12 |
首席研究员: | 梁宝华教授 |
计划推行时间: | 2011/1 - 2012/12 |
首席研究员: | 八和会馆 |
共同研究员: | 梁宝华教授 |
香港粤剧的传承与教学模式: 中国口头传统与西方学院派传统研究
计划推行时间: | 2011/12 - 2013/7 |
首席研究员: | 梁宝华教授 |
共同研究员: | 梁信慕教授 |
此计划为二零一一至一二年度香港教育资助委员会优配研究金拨款资助研究之一。粤剧文化正面临失传的危机。传统的粤剧训练多为师徒制,以口传身授的形式将知识及技巧传承予下一代,然而,此模式在近年逐渐受到西方学院派训练的影响,演变为由不同范畴的专业人士在特定课程时限内为演员作出指导。本项研究共为期二十个月,以不同的研究方法划分为三个阶段: 第一个阶段分别访问了十位背景不同的演员,当中五位曾接受过师徒制培训,而其他五位则接受过学院式培训。研究员亦会到香港以及广东省的粤剧学院进行观课,访问学生和教师对其教学模式的意见。这些发现将有助于制定口头传统和西方学院传统的教学模式,并为下一阶段的研究提供理论框架。
计划推行时间: | 2009/10 - 2012/12 |
首席研究员: | 梁宝华教授 |
共同研究员: | 莫安妮博士,袁子良先生,湛黎淑贞博士 |
计划推行时间: | 2008/2 - 2009/4 |
首席研究员: | 梁宝华教授 |
共同研究员: | 袁子良先生,莫安妮博士 |